Monday, May 4, 2009

What is the best grade for a high school student to study abroad?

I've set my heart on studying abroad in a Japanese high school. I'm currently a freshman in a four year high school. What year would be the best to go study abroad: sophomore, junior, or senior?

What is the best grade for a high school student to study abroad?
Ha! When I clicked on your question I was surprised to find that you want to go to Japan because that is where I went!

I really think it depends on your emotional maturity frankly speaking. I would assume the oder one gets the better this maturity is. If you feel you are ready to be very far from home and isolated until you make friends, then I would say any of those years are fine. The Japanese, while kind, are very shy, and the isolation one feels when there is very difficult. But, I assume you will chose a good program that will allow you to interact with others on your progam and have a lot of events/activities.

I persoanlly went junoir year because I wanted to have my senoir year at school with my friends and to graduate with them; but I say the earlier the better because the experience will make you a better person, and you will be able to see things differently. If you do this sophomore year, that means when you get back junior year you will have the benefit of the gained outlook and probably will be better able to decide what route you wish to take after HS. Particularly what you will want to do in college.

Aside from being in a romantic relationship with a Japanese person, making close friends is difficult because they tend to view you as an outsider and always will. This really annoyed me about them when I was there. Actually, the great friends I did end up making were from other English-speaking countries! Australia, England, Ireland, Canada, Signapore - many of us are still close friends and see each other when traveling overseas. I believe your time in Japan will be a stepping stone to many other cultures as well.

Good luck!

And practice the language as much as possible before going. You can easily learn and ready hirigana to learn grammer quickly. Kanji will take time of coure; but the speaking will get you much farther than textbook reading.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Reply:I would guess sophmore bcz it is better to do the last 2 years of skool in one country

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