Monday, April 26, 2010

Can you study abroad your senior year in high school and still get an American graduate degree?

Generally speaking, yes. You may have to take a course or two the summer before or the summer after you return however to complete the graduation requirements.

It will actually depend upon how your school counts your exchange year. Most will give you social studies, langauge and independent study credit. Sometimes you also get math and science as you will most likely be taking those classes. You may have to take a senior English and/or American government class by correspondence or in summer school.

Make sure you get the credit commitment from your school in writing!

Good luck!

Can you study abroad your senior year in high school and still get an American graduate degree?
I've found a lot of information on study abroad, hopefully may help you:

Reply:Ask your school depend on the situation, your standing and your school. See your principal and explain your situation and seek the advise.

baby teeth

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