Thursday, April 15, 2010

Where have you gone to study anthropology abroad?

I already finished ALL of my GE's and I'm now working on my anthro and upper division stuff, I'd like to study abroad for a semester or summer.

Where have you gone to study anthropology?

I haven't decided yet, but I'm interested in both physical and cultural, archaeology doesn't scream out at me but could be interesting too, I have no idea about linguistics though, I haven't taken any classes yet...

What were your experiences in searching for a program and actually studying abroad?

What kind of studying work did you do? Was it mainly academic [taking classes at host universities] or did you do any field work? Where and when [what time of year] did you go? What kind of classes were you able to take?

I'd love to hear your input on your exp while studying abroad, even if you're not an anthro major... =)

Where have you gone to study anthropology abroad?
Hi, four years ago I finished my MBA in social-cultural anthropology in the Netherlands-Amsterdam. Holland offers some great Anthropology Masters (in English). For my research I ended up going to Eritrea-Asmara to study female circumcision amongst the Tigrinya-very intresting. Where ever you end up going I would advice to go somewhere where field work is compulsary as you don't want to become an arm chair antro, it's in the field where it all happens-good luck
Reply:I followed up a BA in anthro with a year at Stockholm University in an inter-disciplinary social science program, with my focus on anthro. I had previously studied there for a semester abroad.

Advantages to studying in Sweden were courses in English, a large number of library books available in English, and the immense amount of Sweden-related social science data available. (The Swedes will make a pie chart and overhead projector slide out of anything.)

I understand there are lots of (mostly Viking related) archaeological possibilities available, but personally I did cultural and medical anthropology. I think linguistics is quite popular in Sweden, as well, but can't vouch for it.


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