Monday, April 26, 2010

What countries would you recommend for study abroad?

Scotland is really the best choice as far as my class options. But I'd like to venture farther to experience a culture a lot more different than mine. Suggestions?

What countries would you recommend for study abroad?
Do you need an English speaking country? If so Australia may work since they have the same school system as England. Further away, exotic and great education system.
Reply:It seems as though you are an art lover so better try for countries such as ITALY,SPAIN etc if u want a different taste of culture.
Reply:heyyy :D you can never go wrong if you choose Malaysia as your destination to study abroad! there are a lot of foreign students from india, pakistan, nepal, china, africa, america, iran, lebanon, etc who chose to study in the variety of universities and colleges that we offer! US$100 is like 20cents here! therefore, you can get the best international education and pay for a reasonable price of your desired course! you might wanna check, as there are information to answer your questions and doubts!

it's fairly cheap here, from renting a house, to buying groceries to going shopping! you'll even have extra change to have fun while taking a break from school assignments! :D how great is that right? Malaysia is a multiracial country, rich in different cultures and religion! food is a variety of choices! it's the perfect place to study :D try to think about this offer. just visit (UCOM = University Colleges of Malaysia) and email to them about your doubts!

Reply:I lived in Spain. I know people who had programs that didn't involve language in Italy (Florence is nice). A lot depends on language. Have you studied one? look into a country where it is spoken. Try to find a school taught in English, if language isn't one of your focuses. Scotland is REALLY pretty, and kind of a different world from, I assume you are US? France probably has some schools taught in English.

I would say, it sort of depends on what you are studying, too.

Denmark might be nice, Sweden, Norway. And then there's this person touting Malaysia. You might as well check into that, too. Might turn out to be the experience of a lifetime!

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