Thursday, April 15, 2010

Do you have to be rich to be able to study abroad?

My dream is to study abroad, mostly in Europe. I know Europe is very expensive and I don't have a lot of money. My mom is a single mom and can't afford it so I'm pretty much on my own. Is it possible?

Do you have to be rich to be able to study abroad?
No, not at all! Anyone can go abroad with the right resources. Look for scholarships, talk to your study away counselor (does your school have one?), talk to other professors, and look for study away alternatives.

I went to London for a semester with They had scholarship opportunities available to those in need, which always come in handy. Also take a look at - the British Council has tons of opportunities for students planning to go abroad.

Good luck and enjoy!
Reply:If you have rich parents, and they agree to support you.

Your Dream will Come True.

You may working and study abroad together. But you must work hard and study hard.
Reply:YES! get a scholarship!! and study hard!! get good results..

Reply:Yes, you can, but non-Europeans pay quite a lot to study in any European country. It's still not the extortionate amounts expected by US universities for what seem to be substandard courses.
Reply:yes, anything you really want to obtain in life is possible, as long as you're willing to work for it. as for getting funds to study abroad europe, you'll probably need to take out student loans. because if you do get a scholarship it will only most likely pay for a part of the trip, not all of it. best of luck!

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